Why Globalism Undermines Patriotism

President Trump at UN

President Trump spoke at a UN gathering in New York last week and delivered a message which punched at the philosophical gut of international leaders; “The future does not belong to globalists. The future belongs to patriots.” What is globalism? It’s a philosophy embraced by the international Left that rejects the values and worth of…

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President Trump Impeachment Drama Continues

President Trump

The chaos continues on Capitol Hill. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is getting a headcount of support for the impeachment push. As of 6:55am this morning, 219 House Democrats (plus Independent Justin Amash) support some type of impeachment or impeachment inquiry. 16 Democrats still have not signaled support. The threshold needed for an impeachment…

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Trump Impeachment 2.0

Nancy Pelosi

At the top of every headline and Twitter trend right now is the news of Nancy Pelosi opening a formal probe into the impeachment of President Trump. This is actually a very nuanced and complicated discussion. I will try to break down what is happening. Historical context: Democrats have been out to destroy the Trump…

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#ClimateStrike Hysteria

Climate Change End Capitalism

This morning, climate protesters are gathering in Washington, DC attempting to block and disrupt morning commuters. iPhone videos on Twitter show small crowds holding banners while stretching across busy intersections. Groups involved include DC Democratic Socialists of America, Extinction Rebellion DC and Black Lives Matter. Their stated goals (according to strikedc.org) are to “transition off…

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2020 Elections: Don’t Be Complacent

Trump Campaign Michigan

The 2016 election was a stunning time to be alive. Experts gave Hillary Clinton an over 90% chance to win the election. “There is no way she can lose,” they said. Coastal elites laughed at the concept of a real-estate-mogul-turned-TV-star speaking an influential message to the middle of the country. They figured Donald J. Trump…

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Elon Musk is Getting Cozy with China

Forbes: Elon Musk in China

When an American business builds technology or weapons for the Department of Defense (DOD), it is VITAL that the company holds to American geopolitical interests. SpaceX (owned by Elon Musk) has such a contract with the DOD. They are supposed to be working towards assisting the United States in combating China in the upcoming space…

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September 11th, 2001

September 11th, 2001

On a crisp, blue September morning, 2,977 American lives were snuffed from the face of the earth. Radical Islamic terrorists slammed four commercial airliners into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a Pennsylvania field (a plane bound for the White House, only stopped by brave passengers who rushed the cabin and forced the plane…

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U.S. Space Command: Why the Battlefield of Space is Crucial

US Space Command

On August 29th, 2019, President Trump established the U.S. military’s Space Command. It will be the 11th combat command, joining forces with the likes of CENTCOM (Middle East operations) and CYBERCOM (cyberspace defense). Space Command paves the way for an official “Space Force” to be launched – also mentioned by the President in his Rose…

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Straight Pride Parades are Stupid . . . And That’s the Point

Straight Pride Parade Boston

Last Saturday, a “Straight Pride” parade was held in Boston, organized by a group called Super Happy Fun America. The parade’s grand marshal, Milo Yiannopoulos, is openly gay and anti-political correctness. Around two hundred people showed up to support the parade, while thousands of leftist Boston locals showed up to protest the parade. Donning clown…

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